

We Do It All For You

We do it all for you, preparing the applications according to the appropriate insurance’s specific guidelines for your specialty. This ensures your application is submitted accurately and the process goes smoothly. Our clients are informed of the status of their application with an automated report from our software system sent directly to their email. We want you to always know where your application stands with each carrier. Transparency with our clients and their projects is what makes us different from other services.

Payor Enrollment

Payor enrollment is the process of submitting an application for medical professionals, entities and facilities so they can become in-network with an insurance company. When accomplished efficiently, your practice experiences streamlined onboarding of all professionals and enhanced revenue flow as soon as possible. When you work with CREDREV PARTNERS, we help your providers become billable faster because we deal with all payors and are familiar with their requirements.

Using our proprietary software, we can expedite and efficiently carry out this time-consuming process, as well as track the needs for renewals, complete applications, and send comprehensive enrollment reports to practice members who need them.

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Payor Enrollment

Streamline the process of enrolling providers with payors

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Our CREDREV PARTNERS experts are here to help you assess exactly which solutions you need and let you know how inexpensively we could put you on the right track. CREDREV PARTNERS includes primary source verification and payor enrollment for all insurance networks including Medicare, Medicaid, Medi-Cal and insurance networks. Don’t wait another minute, contact our terrific team today!

Call us at 877-795-2361 or email us at

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