Behavioral and Mental Health Facilities

Behavioral Health Credentialing Requires Unique Skills

It takes a special level of understanding of the Behavioral Health environment to meet the specific needs of Licensed or Certified Counselors, Assistant Counselors, and other Mental Health professionals. CREDREV PARTNERS is experienced in getting mental health and behavioral health practitioners enrolled in commercial insurance plans or Medicare.

Because provider enrollment for mental health professions can be more complicated, relying on the expertise of CREDREV PARTNERS is an excellent and affordable way to facilitate and smooth over any difficulties in provider enrollment. With us by your side, the process will reach a satisfactory conclusion and help these essential care professionals become billable as soon as possible.

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Our CREDREV PARTNERS experts are here to help you assess exactly which solutions you need and let you know how inexpensively we could put you on the right track. CREDREV PARTNERS includes primary source verification and payor enrollment for all insurance networks including Medicare, Medicaid, Medi-Cal and insurance networks. Don’t wait another minute, contact our terrific team today!

Call us at 877-795-2361 or email us at

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