

Your Telemedicine Credentialing Project Should Never Stand in the Way of What Really Matters

Utilization of telehealth grew exponentially due to the pandemic and patient acceptance of telehealth and telemedicine services is now the new normal. Patients no longer wish to attend in-person appointments for problems that can easily be diagnosed over video chat, and management for chronic conditions that do not change drastically week-to-week is often better served remotely. As experts in the field of medical credentialing, we have watched this industry grow dramatically even before the pandemic took hold, and requests from clients who exclusively provide care on a remote basis have increased exponentially.

Let Us Help You Find Your Footing
This demand for remote medical services and increased availability of telehealth providers requires a technology infrastructure that is still developing, and as a result, administrative requirements such as credentialing, payor enrollment, and application deadlines have been known to fall by the wayside. While you continue to “work out the kinks” of getting your telemedicine practice running smoothly, you can rely on CREDREV PARTNERS to make sure your telehealth and telemedicine enrollment needs are met.

We’re accustomed to dealing with practices that are working virtually, are mobile, or who operate in many states. Our years of expertise in specialized credentialing will give you peace of mind from start to finish. The work of PSV and Payor Enrollment must be done and we can help you get it done. Contact us, we’ll be happy to help. 

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Our CREDREV PARTNERS experts are here to help you assess exactly which solutions you need and let you know how inexpensively we could put you on the right track. CREDREV PARTNERS includes primary source verification and payor enrollment for all insurance networks including Medicare, Medicaid, Medi-Cal and insurance networks. Don’t wait another minute, contact our terrific team today!

Call us at 877-795-2361 or email us at

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